FLY V2 Powerbolt
FLY V2 Powerbolt

The Fly V2 is powered by this detachable Powerbolt.
Each Powerbolt has a capacity of 1800mAh and runs between 4 to 12V at a speed of 10,400rpm's. Average running time of the Powerbolt is 6 to 10 hours, but this will vary depending on voltage and the type of cartridges you run (we recommend using META). The Powerbolt recharges on a USB-C charger and takes 2 to 4 hours to recharge.
The FLY V2 Powerbolt is available in two stroke lengths: 3.5mm (red) and 4mm (green).
- 6-10 hrs battery life
- 2-4 hrs recharge time
- available in 3.5mm and 4mm stroke lengths